Friday, December 30, 2005

Getting some reading done

I said I was going to find some time to read this week. It mostly happened today. I finished Donald Miller's Searching for God Knows What. Some people are more familiar with Miller from his book Blue Like Jazz. That book is also on my stack, but I haven't read it yet.

I really liked this book, but it was challenging. I can't say I agree with everything Miller says, but I am really inspired by what he is trying to do and how is going about it. If I had to describe the author in one word, it would be "unpredictable." He comes from a conservative evangelical background. What makes him unpredictable is how he holds on to some conservative and evangelical ideas while rejecting others. That is what makes this book so interesting. With a lot of Christian authors, you can easily label them as liberal or conservative a know where they are going to go in the book. Miller doesn't let himself get so easily labeled. If you consider yourself religiously conservative, he is likely to offend you. If you consider yourself religiously liberal, he is likely to offend you. I like that. It makes you think.

That all fits with what it seems he is trying to do. Miller to trying to make and argument against formulaic religion and for relational Christianity. Like a good preacher, he makes relating to God much less complicated and much more challenging. He starts in a great place as well, back in the Garden of Eden.

If you do opt to read this one, read it with an open mind and a critical mind. You don't have to agree with everything he writes, even if he writes it well. I don't particularly agree with his thoughts on authorship of some parts of the Bible. But, in the end the book was certainly worth reading.

As always I love your thoughts. If you read the book many months from now, feel free to just e-mail me and let me know what you think.



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