Friday, June 30, 2006

A Little History

I have been a bit out of my reading routine lately. I have been getting through plenty of magazines, reading the newspaper and plenty of online stuff, I haven't finished a book in a while. Today, I finished, My Brother Lyndon by Sam Houston Johnson.

The book is out of print, but can set you up with a used copy.

I picked up my copy at used book store in New Mexico. Somewhere in my father's house is an autographed copy. It seems my grandfather used to run with Sam Johnson (and a little bit with Lyndon) in Texas political circles. It is said the Sam used to babysit my aunts.

This is probably one of the most candid books on historical politics ever done. Johnson wrote it the year after his brother left office. It is a bit jarring in its literary style, the storyline jumps around, a lot. But it is rare and different perspective of LBJ, Texas politics, the Kennedys and even a bit about Vietnam.

One of the most interesting parts of the whole book is Johnson's nearly prophetic view of the changing face of politics in the light of the new media:

More than ever before, the 1960 campaign emphasized the crucial importance of big money in politics. Television had become the most effective (sometimes the only) contact between the voters and the candidates, on local as well as national elections; and that's a medium that gobbles up money like a dollar slot machine in Vegas. Inevitably, this need for bigger and bigger money will taint the political process. When a candidate has to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars from a single fat cat, can anyone seriously believe those big contributors are merely interested in good government.

Sam Houston Johnson died in 1978 so he never knew how right on he was.



Wednesday, June 28, 2006

You Would Be Crabby Too...

...if someone had just picked up your house. We found this hermit crab wandering the beach on our last kayaking journey.

They are pretty amazing creatures. This one is just about to grow out of his shell and will soon go looking for a new shell to live in.



Monday, June 26, 2006

This Week's Sermon

This week's sermon is posted:

Sermon #24 - Two Stories about Seeds and a Really Big Tree

It took me a while this morning to sort out what I intended to say from what I really said. The written copy is somewhere in between.

As always, your thoughts, questions and comments are always welcome!



Sunday, June 25, 2006

A different view of Corpus Christi

Alisha and I enjoy occasionally seeing Corpus Christi from a different angle. We try to get out as often as we can in the kayak and enjoy the view from the water.

We got a chance to get out for a couple hours Friday and launch off North Beach. We got to cruise around the Lex, which looks especially large when you are actually floating next to it.


Saturday, June 24, 2006

She has a home

I am glad to announce that the dog (who had been temporarily named Snowball II) has been reuninted with her family. We were just starting to get used to her!


Thursday, June 22, 2006

Is this your dog?

If you live in my neighborhood, perhaps you recognize this dog. I hope that you might help me reuninte her with her family. She has had a bath and is doing quite well, but she belongs somewhere else. Call or email if you have any ideas.



Wednesday, June 21, 2006

She is Not Staying!

Two dogs, two turtles and two people are enough. The little dog that followed Alisha home this morning is not staying! She is a cute little grey and white dog, but we are hoping her owners claim her soon.



Monday, June 19, 2006

Statement by Episcopal Church Bishop

I just caught this in the Reuters news site:

Episcopal Church Says Homosexuality Not a Sin



Working Hard

This past week was Sea City Work Camp week here at Grace. It is an amazing experience to have 100 youth living at the church for a week while they spend their days out working on homes. I got to go out to the sites a bit this year. I filled in on Tuesday and Thursday running supplies to the work sites.

The photo is of Mike Boggs and me working hard. We were either figuring out what part I needed to run and get him or deciding if it was time for lunch.



Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Genomes and God

Since I was talking about particle spin and the Trinity this past Sunday, I thought you might find the following article of interest.

I’ve found God, says man who cracked the genome



Monday, June 12, 2006

Friday, June 09, 2006

Greeting from Annual Conference

Greetings from the American Bank Center on the water in Corpus Christi. I am on the floor of the annual meeting of the Southwest Texas Annual Conference. As a clergy person, I am required to be here, along with our lay delegates every year.

There are a couple of improvements this year. First we are meeting in the new arena, where the Hammerheads play and where the circus performs. It is a little roomier and a little better ambiance than the old convention center. The other nice thing is the municipal wifi system Corpus Christi has installed. I can now email and blog from the conference floor.

Oh yeah, there is also the jumbotron. It is neat to see the bishop twenty feet high on the same screen I watch the Hammerheads replays.



Tuesday, June 06, 2006

There is a Fox in the Hen House or is that a Possum in the Turtle House?

The church parsonage is teeming with wildlife. Alisha spotted a pair of baby possums in the turtle habitat last night. Baby possums are cute, but adult possums, in my experience, are quite nasty. After a couple of picture they got a gentle incentive to move on via the garden hose. It is not that I don't love all of God's creatures, it is just that these two will need a new place to hang out.



Monday, June 05, 2006

Aliens? These would make a horribly boring movie

A physicist believes he has found alien life. However, it doesn't walk, talk, shoot a laser pistol or even phone home.

Check it out at
Mysterious red cells might be aliens



Thursday, June 01, 2006

Da Vinci Discussed

Thanks to everyone who came out for "Da Vinci Discussed" Tuesday evening. We have about 35 people join in the discussion.

I said I would post some of the resources I mentioned. The links will take you to the book on

Bart D. Ehrman - Truth and Fiction in the Da Vinci Code: A Historian Reveals What We Really Know About Jesus, Mary Magdalene and Constantine.

This is a really great overview of the problems with the book and a really readable explanation of the issues involved. This book is really readable. It is actually a fun read that will enlighten you about a lot of issues of historic Christianity. I highly recommend it.

Bart. D. Ehrman - Lost Scriptures, Books that Did Not Make It into the New Testament

This is a compilation of some of the other gospels and other Christian writing that did not make it into the Bible. Ehrman's introductions give really great background.

Bart D. Ehrman - Lost Christianities: The Battle for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew

This one is a little denser than the others. Ehrman does a great job of showing what went into the formation of Christianity the way we now know it. The book reads a little academically, but for good reason. He is covering a lot of history and a lot of complicated theological issues. You don't need a seminary degree to read it, just a little more interest than the average person.

If you have read or do read any of these, I would love to hear your comments.

