Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Young Adults - Talking about Video Games

If you are 18-30ish (I am about to turn 34 and they still let me come... then again, it's my house) join us this Thursday. If you are not, I bet you know someone who is!

We will join together again this Thursday at 7:30 at the Grace Parsonage for fellowship and discussion. Food will be modified pot luck again, which means bring something if you can. I will try to have some sort of meat. We have a ton of chips and salsa and I think we are doing pretty good on sodas, although I am sure we could use more. If you can, bring some snacks or desert (or even more meat if you like) to share.

Here is what we will be talking about:

This week, we will be talking about video games. A lot of the games out there now have quite a bit of violent and sexual content. Instead of just saying, “video games are bad, we should stop playing them and make sure our kids don’t play them,” we are going to ask a question. With the prevalence of sex and violence in many of the games today, should Christians avoid video games or do they have benefits in moderate use?

This should be a good discussion. It may be a good week to invite someone new.

If you need more info or directions, e-mail me. See you at the house!


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