Monday, August 15, 2005

Sermon for 8.14.05

This Sunday's sermon is now posted, complete with typos, other errors and some things I may or may not have said.

You can read it here.

As always, your thoughts, comments, and questions are always welcomed!

By the way, if reading the sermon piques your interest in Disciple Bible Study, send me an e-mail and I will get you all the information (and a registration form if you want one.)



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the article in the Conference Witness. Quite a charming photo, I might add. I did read your Disciple is a Verb sermon and I would say that your preaching professors would be proud of you.
But mostly I just wanted to encourage you in your ministry in the years ahead. I'll bet you love your appointment at Grace Church. You know, the former pastors, Bobbi Kaye Jones and David Gilliam are serving my church, St. John's in Austin now. The blog is a great idea and let's folks join in the dialog or ask questions, if they want. The page is very attractive and well done.
I enjoyed the class on Fundamentalism that we had together. I'm sure you know more about Mormons than you ever wanted to know! I will be taking World Religions with Whit Bodman this fall semester. I'll think you...
Grace and peace, Barbara Holmes