Friday, August 05, 2005

A Little Light Reading

I tend to get a lot of reading done while at conferences. It is not that I read during the seminars or that I skip the seminars. It is just that, when away from home, there is less to be done. When I wake up in the morning, it takes me a total of 15 minutes to get ready and get to breakfast downstairs at the hotel. When I get back to the room at night, there is no lawn to be watered or cut or anything else.

I just finished reading Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time. Some of you may have read this when it came out back in 1986, but I just got around to it. Hawking did a wonderful job of explaining how everything works in a way that even I could grasp (mostly). What was most interesting for me though, and the reason I bring it up here, is his references to God. It would be hard for me to guess, just from reading one of his books to tell what his theology is, but he does have one. God enters into the equation, somehow.

I was also fasinated how our understanding, or lack of understanding, about how things work or how things are, can potentially place us in a limited framework of understanding about everything. Think about it this way: would you perception of God differ if you thought the world were flat? What if (and this example is from the book) you thought the earth was carried around on the back of a turtle? Mine might.

I also look at it this way. How can I pretend to know the mind of God, if I still can't wrap my head around the way the very building blocks of creation work. Hmmm.

Perhaps I have been at the seminar too long.



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