Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Young Adults - Back on this week.

If you are 18-30ish (I am about to turn 34 and they still let me come... then again, it's my house) join us this Thursday. If you are not, I bet you know someone who is!

We will join together again this Thursday at 7:30 at the Grace Parsonage for fellowship and discussion. Food will be modified pot luck, which means bring something if you can. I will try to have some sort of meat. We have a ton of chips and salsa and I think we are doing pretty good on sodas, although I am sure we could use more. If you can, bring some snacks or desert to share.

Here is what we will be talking about:

I don't know if you caught it in the news a few weeks back, but the Supreme Court handed down a decision regarding eminent domain. For a while, it has been the case that the government had the right to force you to sell your home or property if they needed to do something for the greater good, like build a road or a bridge or a fire station. With the new ruling, the government technically has the right to force you to sell your home or property to promote economic development. What this means, in plainer language, is that you could find and buy a nice home, in an area you like, fix it up just right, begin to raise a family there and one day, the government could come along and tell you that you have to sell them your house and move because they want to sell it to a company that is going to put in a strip mall. And you would have no choice.

This may sound unimportant if you don't own a home or property, but it really gets at the root of how we look at private property and the idea of the greater good. I think we will have a great discussion.

Next week, by request, we will be talking about the prevalence of sex and violence in video games and what we should think or do about it.

E-mail me to let me know that you are coming or for directions or more information or just show up!



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