Friday, October 28, 2005

More reading... not so deep this time

As I wrote in a post earlier this week, I am trying to get in the habit of writing something about the books I read. Just so you know that not all the books I read are thick tomes of systematic theology or insightful proposals to end poverty, I just finished The Broker by John Grisham.

I used to read all of Grisham's stuff but I fell out of the habit in seminary. (I had enough to read.) I like his books because, for me, they are one step away from watching a movie. They don't overly tax my brain, they just give me a chance to escape for a bit into another world. I have to do something just for fun once in a while, right?

The one warning I will give you about this book, is that it may make you want to visit Italy or at least drink more espresso.

peace and happy reading,


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