Saturday, October 01, 2005


(click on the photo for a larger view)
I couldn't think of a more creative post title today. Alisha and I have been really amazed by the swarms of hummingbirds who come to the feeders in the yard. Some people who have lived in Corpus for a while think this is perfectly normal, but we are still amazed.

It took Alisha a while of experimenting to get this shot. It takes a pretty fast shutter speed and the ability to manually focus. They are amazing to watch.




Anonymous said...

Awesome picture, Alisha! That's got to be a prize-winning photo!

Anonymous said...

love this photo - across from kay plummer's house is a lady who has multiple feeders and i thought there was a swarm of birds around her porch - BUT IT WAS HUMMING BIRDS! UNBELIEVABLE! KATHY