Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Some "not so light" reading

I just finished Kevin Phillips latest, American Theocracy, The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money. This goes on my list of the top five books of the year. However, I am not going to recommend it for all readers. Most people just don’t care enough about economics, politics, and theology to tackle four hundred pages of fairly dense, although well written, text.

Phillips book is critical of the Republican Party and the conservative Christian coalition which will displease some who follow that party or group. However, he is deeply historical, tracing patterns that have led to the downfall of other superpowers, and very insightful toward economic data as it paints of picture of the state our nation.

If the book does nothing else, it does an amazing job of showing the complexities and interrelations of economics, politics and religion. What we believe, what we empower our leaders to do and what we participate in simply by our unknowing has serious consequences on every single citizen of our country and every person attached to our world economy.

If you are into this sort of stuff, it is actually a fun read.



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