Thursday, July 13, 2006

Just for Fun

Every one in a while, I read a book just for fun. I found Michael Crichton's Prey on a sale rack and picked it up. Crichton is always good for a fun adventure. What always drives me batty about his writing though is the odd little factual problems in the books. Sometimes it is like the editor just isn't paying attention. They are never a big deal, but telling a story is about suspending disbelief and when you have an unnecessary inconstancy, it pulls me out of the story. If the author needs to bend truth to make the story work, fine, but when the facts get fuzzy for no good reason it bothers me.

I was going to give an example, but frankly it would take me a while to set it up. If you have Prey, check out the sequence involving the dirt bike on page 228 (hardcover edition). Have you ever seen a motorized dirt-bike in the back of a Land Cruiser? This isn't a mini-bike, he uses it haul people through the desert later on.

Anyway, despite that a fun read.



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