Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Inch by Inch, Row by Row

Inch by inch, row by row
Gonna make this garden grow
All it takes is a rake and a hoe
And a piece of fertile ground
Inch by inch, row by row
Someone bless these seeds I sow
Someone warm them from below
'Til the rain comes tumbling down

Name the tune, who sang it, or the show it was sung on and win. (Once again, I have no prize.) Name the album it was eventually on and you get double points.

This song popped into my head as I was working on a sermon on the parable of the sower for the 17th while also thinking about my lawn (which is starting to turn green) and the flower beds behind the parsonage that need some serious tlc.

Happy singing and gardening,



Anonymous said...

Hi Will -

I love contests - even if there isn't a prize :)

The song was written by David Mallett and John Denver sang it on the Muppet Show. It eventually was on the album "Ol' Brown Ears is Back", Rowlf The Dog's album.

Anonymous said...

Oops it was the Muppet Show not Sesame St....

Unknown said...

Yeah! I am glad we have some Muppet fans in the group!
