Thursday, July 21, 2005

Young Adults Tonight

My wife Alisha and I will be hosting another gathering of young adults (18-30ish) at the parsonage tonight. The new, official time is 7:30, however, if you are coming from work and it is easier to get there a little earlier, you are welcome to get there early. We will be eating something, though I am still thinking about what. Feel free to bring canned soda to restock the fridge.

Tonight we will be starting a new series of current events based studies. Each week will be a new topic. This way, whenever you come, whether you are new to the group or have been away for a while, you won't have to catch up.

This week we will be talking about how we, as Christian engage the media. What are the tools that can be helpful to people of faith as we engage the media today. It should be a great discussion. I hope you can come.



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