Friday, October 27, 2006

Retreating... for a day

I am off today for one day and night retreat in Port Aransas. The retreat is called, "A Day at the Sea, Listening for God's Word for our Lives." I don't do this sort of thing enough. I really think that getting away to something like this is necessary every so often in order to maintain one's spiritual health. Life is so stressful and hectic. Our spiritual health can help us keep it together and keep our lives focused on God through all the stress. However, we need to occasionally step away from the stress and clutter in order to recharge our spiritual batteries.

A spiritual retreat can take many forms. I am a contemplative type, so I am often recharged by getting away alone somewhere to read scripture and pray and rest. However, even I occasionally need an more organized event where I am surrounded by other people doing the same thing. It helps keep me accountable to actually use the time to reconnect with God.



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