Wednesday, September 06, 2006

By request... more randomness

Here are some things that are going on in my life, in no particular order.

1. It seems that there is a giant water leak under the house we live in. Here in Texas, water pipes are often built right into the slab that the house is built on. This is really cool except when they break. Fortunately we have a really great plumber who is going to fix it without actually tearing the house down, or even kicking us out. I first noticed the leak because as I walked out of the bedroom into the hall, the floor was hot. Not being a structural engineer, I had no idea what that meant, but I had to figure the floor is not supposed to be hot. Indeed, there was hot water leaking in the floor.

2. Our foster child, Joshua is very cool. He is at a wonderful age where he learns something spectacular every day.

3. Joshua, Alisha and I are going to a Corpus Christi Hooks game tonight. (That's baseball for you out of towners.) Fortunately, for our first game with a little one, we will be in the Whataburger box. So, go get a whatachicken or something to say thanks.

4. We have a new back yard. The church trustees came by a couple weeks back and put a bunch of new dirt back there and Ed, one of our members has been making flower beds and a new terrace. He brought sod this week and it is starting to look lovely.

5. Today is not horribly hot here and I am thankful for that.

6. The new season of House started last night. I am totally hooked on that show and I am really thankful for my DVR so I can actually watch it.

That's enough randomness for now.




Anonymous said...

"House" - it's the best!

Anonymous said...

I think you need to have a minimum "randomness" quota... like once a week or something. I also think you should "keep it real", but I don't actually know what that means.