Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Take a Deep Breath... Fall is Here

I have often claimed that fall is the busiest time of year at the church. However, I have made a similar claim about just about every other time of the year. Life in a large, active congregation is always busy. Different times of year just bring different kinds of busy.

Fall means new beginnings for classes and programs including confirmation and Disciple. It also means our annual Charge Conference. It also seems to be the time when people become most interested in creating new ministries or reviving existing programs. I am always excited by that and looking for ways to help people achieve their dreams. (With God's help)

For me my attention is divided between the church and my family. I know it gets even more complicated for folks with demanding jobs and kids who have school and football and band and livestock show, etc. Add to that, church events, PTA, and perhaps just a little time for recreation. When we get too busy, the first thing that gets pushed out is the thing we need most. No matter how busy we are, we need to find some amount of time to be in God's presence. Otherwise we will get busier and busier and busier until we can't sense God's presence in our lives at all. That doesn't mean God isn't there, it just means we have piled up so much "stuff" around us that we can't tell.

It only takes a few minutes to clear away the clutter and invite God to order the chaos of our lives.

I hope you can find some time!



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