Sunday, August 13, 2006

New Addition, This One is Not a Pet

I have been a bit off my blogging game, but for good reason. After fostering and adopting dogs, turtles and even a one-eyed cat, we stepped up this week and began caring for our first foster child. I have been busy with the transition and thinking about how I would handle all this on the weblog. Sometimes technology is pretty far ahead of our ability to best use it. I like the use the weblog as a way for people to get a little inside glimpse at the life of a pastor (be it their own pastor or not.) I also use it to talk about God and theology in ways I don't have time for on Sunday morning. More often than not, that includes personal stuff.

My wife Alisha ends up living a little bit in a fishbowl too, but I try to give her some privacy. So, I was thinking about how to deal with this new little person living in my house. I am going to play it by ear. For now, the weblog won't have pictures or even his name. If you are a member of the church or know me in other ways, you will get plenty of that. Otherwise, you get to learn about this new addition to our household the way scientists study things they can't see, by observing their effect on things around them. It would be hard to not notice that my life is being radically altered by the little boy living in my home. It is quite difficult to operate the same as usual in the midst of poopie diapers, endless snuggles and paddycake.




Anonymous said...

How wonderful! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Contratulations and Blessings! We are so happy to hear about your new addition to the family. Your life will never be the same! Being a parent has been the best part of my life, have fun.

Anonymous said...

What a blessing! This is a journey you all will never forget, and memories you will cherish forever! Best wishes to you all!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Will! Miss a Sunday or two and miss ALL SORTS of things! Congratulations, and again... wow!

Anonymous said...

I think that is just great.and you are correct. your life will never be the same, just more wonderful.