Most of you get this by e-mail, but here it is for those whose don't:
Sunday PreviewScripture: John 15:12-13
Sermon Title: "The Ultimate Witness"
In Psalm 137, the Psalmist asks, "How could we sing the LORD's song in a foreign land?" The question reflects the sorrow of God's people in Babylon, wondering how they could carry on in the midst of their exile. Last week, I thought of this Psalm as I considered the question, "how do we praise God in the midst of terrible tragedy?" This week, the Psalm remains with me as I consider, "how do we remember one tragedy in the midst of another?"
The answer to both questions lies in thinking about what it is we can be thankful for, even in the midst of sorrow. This Sunday we will give thanks. On the fourth anniversary of September 11th 2001, we will remember and give thanks. We will pause in the service to remember that day, those who were lost, those who still suffer. We will also give thanks. We will give thanks for the ultimate witness of love that we all experienced in the selfless acts of bravery and kindness that so clearly marked that day and the days that followed.
In particular, we will give thanks for the men and women who sacrifice and serve specifically to protect us and heal us. We will lift up the service the members of our community who work as firefighters, police, emergency medical technicians, doctors, nurses, anyone who works on the front lines helping us when we need it most. If you have friends and neighbors who serve in this way, please invite them to join us. We will also have a reception in their honor following the 11:00 service.
This Sunday, we will also continue to receive donations for the flood recovery efforts of the United Methodist Committee on Relief. You may put checks in the offering plate. Just mark them "Hurricane."
Grace UMC is also now the district collection point for much needed flood buckets and health kits. If you or your small group would like to assemble some, all the information is available on handouts in the breezeway, in this week's newsletter or online at Feel free to e-mail me at with any questions.
See you Sunday!