Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Sometimes I don't blog because I have too much to blog about and I don't know where to start! Holy week and Easter was extraordinary! As always, under Pastor John's direction, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday were a true blessing in our preparation for Easter. If you don't make a habit of attending the services of Holy Week, you should commit right now to be in church next year for the Thursday and Friday before Easter.

Easter Sunday was amazing and exhausting. We had over 700 people in four worship services. Don't worry, I realize that it is not about numbers, but each number represents someone who was here to worship and hear the Easter Gospel. In many cases, churches have physical or mental blocks in their growth. Once they surpass them, they become able to maintain a higher level of attendance. I think that Easter broke through one of those barrier for Grace.

It was wonderful to worship in the fellowship hall after all the hard work that went into transforming the room. The sound was 1000 times better and the atmosphere was such an improvement with the paint and the different configuration. I felt much more comfortable preaching and leading worship.

On a personal note, after Easter is usually a bit of a down time for pastors to recoup from all the extra physical, spiritual and emotional work that goes into Easter. I did take Monday off, but have been living with the good stress of buying a home in San Antonio. Alisha and I had an offer accepted yesterday on a wonderful home. Now we just have to figure out how to pay for it!



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