Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The rough times...

There are times in life when things are just too much to bear. There are others when things are so good that we make up things to be aggravated about. As I was sitting at my desk working on a sermon series for January, I became aggravated when I realized that I left the house today without my iPod headphones and the Pop-Tart I had intended to snack on this afternoon. When something like that is the largest aggravation of the day, life is pretty good. Though I am still missing that Pop-Tart.




valerie said...

I know how you feel. Yesterday I thought I lost all my songs on itunes, luckily I found them. But if that is the worst thing in my life I am very blessed. grace and peace

Anonymous said...

Pop Tarts are like the worst food ever... but they're so yummy. Have you looked at the calories in one of those things? Mmmm... fattening.

Anonymous said...

Frosted Strawberry Pop Tarts! THE BEST! My mom didn't buy them very often (smart lady!). I think that's why I liked them so much! I had a little great aunt, Aunt Kat, who always had the Chocolate ones when she knew we were coming to visit!!!

I have NEVER seen a 36 pack. Did you get that at Sam's?

Unknown said...

The 36 pack was from stock footage because I had left mine at home. I don't have the will power to have that many pop tarts in my house. I would eat them all at once.

Anonymous said...

Just thought it was funny (and kind of telling about human beings) that of all the recent posts, the one about Pop-Tarts got the most comments.

Anonymous said...

well... food is something of which we all have to partake. And Pop Tarts are a guilty pleasure.

Will - won't see you before Christmas - we leave Tuesday for my parents' and then the mountains, and I will be out of town tomorrow too! so... MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Unknown said...

I do believe there were a lot of comments the time I posted about silly putty. That may say something.
