Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Some of you know that I was on vacation the week after Easter. My wife Alisha and I packed Bodhi our Labrador Retriever and our Katrina surviving mutt, Violet, into the car and took off for a week in Ruidoso, New Mexico. Some people head off to Ruidoso to ski, some to take in the horse races, and some to shop. I go for the wilderness.

For me, every step deeper into the woods, every step farther away from the hustle and bustle and complexity of life in the world is a step closer to God. Wilderness is the context in which I can best sense GodÂ’s presence and truly begin to hear the stirring of the spirit. I love to walk alone in the solitude of the forest with nothing but the trees, birds and other wild things. If I get far enough into the backcountry and allow myself to be truly present in the moment I begin to feel simultaneously small and insignificant in comparison to the totality of creation and overwhelming loved as a child of God.

The gospels are full of accounts of Jesus stepping away into the desert or the wilderness. In Mark’s Gospel, Jesus got up early, while it was still dark and went out to a deserted place to pray. (Mark 1:35) Knowing that the disciples needed some time away, Jesus invited them to "Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” (Mark 6:31) It was in the wilderness that Jesus truly faced his call and struggled with temptation. (Mark 1:12)

I know not all of us are adventurous outdoor types, but we can all find our own “deserted places” where we can be still enough to sense God’s presence. I found a place the other morning on my back porch watching a solitary hummingbird who has found our feeder after a winter away.

With summer approaching, thoughts are turning to vacations, reunions and lots of busy recreation. I hope in the midst of it all, you will find some time and space to be quiet and alone with God.



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