Saturday, February 25, 2006

Remembering to Rest

I am constantly talking about our need for sabbath, our need to take time to rest our bodies and be in God's presence. (Read my post - Sabbath? Is that Really a Commandment?)

My dogs take me pretty seriously, but sometimes I don't even get it right.

Jesus tells us in Mark that:

"The sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the sabbath."

Jesus showed us that we shouldn't be too legalistic about sabbath rest. He healed on the sabbath and he let his disciples gather food when they were hungry. This was technically breaking the religious laws of the time, but he knew some things were more important.

We can be too legalistic and we can also go too far the other way. If we try, we can always find something to do and never find time to rest with God. This week I am a little out of balance. I gave up my regular sabbath on Friday to preside at a funeral of a woman who had no church of her own. I think that was a valid reason to give up my day of rest. But then, I spent today at a meeting in San Antonio. Tomorrow is Sunday, so there will be little rest. Then, the week starts over.

Sabbath, for me, is like any other discipline. Once I get out of the pattern, it is really easy to stay out of the pattern. My challenge for the week will be to find some real time to rest in God's presence. I hope you find some time as well.



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