Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year Part II

So, did you make any New Year's resolutions? People who survey these sorts of things say that losing weight and getting in shape top the list of resolutions this year. Quitting smoking has been on the top of the list for years, but since the prevalence of smoking has gone down 47 percent between 1965 and 2002, the number of people to make that resolution has gone down significantly.

Statistically, people have a lot of trouble keeping resolutions, but that is no reason not to try, as long as your expectations are realistic. I have fallen into a pattern of making the same resolution every year. For the last few years I have resolved to work on deepening my relationship with God. How much success I have with that varies from year to year, but I still think it is a good resolution. If you think about it scripturally and theologically, it is a resolution that encompasses almost any other good resolution you might make. If I am truly working to deepen my relationship with God, even without resolving to, I will think about my health since I will remember that my very life is a gift from God. I will probably lose weight, because I will remember, from time to time, that my joy comes from God, not from donuts. (Though I do love a good donut.) I will find time to volunteer to help others, since love of neighbor is a natural extension of love of God. I will spend time trying to improve my finances, because stewardship of my own money makes it easier for me to give money for God's purposes. I will recycle, because I will remember what a unique gift from God this planet is and I will want it to last.

I imagine, if you think about it, whatever resolution you have made will fall under deepening your relationship with God. So, where to start? Coming to church can help, although it isn't the only way, nor is it enough. You can read scripture. The Upper Room has some ways to help you with that. You can take time, every day to pray. There are lots of ways to get at that, one of my favorites is Sacred Space. If you like their website, they also have a book out. If none of that works for you, go outside and spend some time just being in God's presence of stay inside, find a quiet place and just practice being quiet. You be surprised what God might have to say to you if you could just be quiet long enough.

I wish you much success on all your New Year's resolutions and peace and joy for a new year.


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