Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Holy Week! Part II

Holy Week is a very special, spirit-filled time of prayer and reflection... for many. For me, it seems to be about details. On Easter Sunday, we can expect an attendance of over twice our normal Sunday gathering. For me that means lots of logistical worries. That large a crowd means we worship in two difference spaces, the sanctuary and the gym. Two worship spaces means even more details. This morning, I am working on nailing down a second video projector for the second space.

Easter Sunday is an important day for many reasons. The one I focus on is that with double the worship attendance, there are a lot of people who aren't normally with us. If we can do a great job of showing them worship that is vital and relevant to their lives, if we can truly welcome them and give them an opportunity to experience the risen Christ, they might come back.

Blessings on your Holy Week.



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