Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Christianity for the Rest of Us

I was glad to finally find some more reading time and I spent it with a book from Diana Butler Bass, Christianity for the Rest of Us, How the Neighborhood Church Is Transforming the Faith. Diana Butler Bass takes a serious look at the myth of the death of the mainline denominations. In an amazingly deeply researched work, she looks at mainline protestant churches that are thriving and asks what is making them thrive. Bass starts by looking at what happened to the “neighborhood church” in the first place, why so many mainline congregations have died or are dying. She then points out ten signposts for renewal that we should all pay attention to: hospitality, discernment, healing, contemplation, testimony, diversity, justice, worship, reflection and beauty.

I am sure you will read and hear more about the book in sermons and on the blog, but I also highly recommend the book. It speaks a lot to where Grace is or could be going as a congregation.



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